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Task 1: Yahtzee

PostPosted: Sun Dec 29, 2024 10:36 pm
by Mia Fountain
Yahtzee is a classic board game that involves rolling 5 dice in an attempt to get 5 of a kind, or specific combination of numbers on the dice. It can be fun to compete against your family and friends to see who gets the highest score.

You can play Yahtzee by going here: Yahtzee

Alternatively, draw or create an image to be used in place of the dots found on a die. Or research another game played with dice and tell us about it in 75 words or more.

Tasks will be due January 31st at 11:59pm HOL. Completed tasks are worth 10 beans/sapphires each. All images should be 600x600 px or under.

Re: Task 1: Yahtzee

PostPosted: Sat Jan 04, 2025 1:10 pm
by Galena May
Going to Town is a simple dice game with simple rules that simply hones our mathematical skill at adding numbers. It can be played by children and adults alike. Three die are needed, and a minimum of two players but there can be more. All one needs to do is roll three die together at first and keep the highest rolled number, then roll two die together and keep the highest roll, and finally roll one die and keep the rolled number. Then, they add all the numbers they kept and that is their score. Then the turn passes on to the next person and the game continues for ten rounds. The player with the highest score in the end wins. As anyone can see, this is purely a game based on luck but it can serve to keep little children occupied by providing them a game that simultaneously gives them their addition practice without overtly asking them to do math!

Re: Task 1: Yahtzee

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 12:33 pm
by Luna Ravenlong
Pig is a simple dice game where each player will roll a die, keeping a running score of the total until they decide to “hold.” However, if you roll a one, the turn is over and you lose whatever score you earned in that round. The first player to reach 100 (or over) wins the game. There are several variations of the game, including two dice pig. In this game, two dice are used and if you roll a double one, you lose your entire score. If you roll a double of any other number, you must take another turn. It’s a game mainly based on luck, but also a level of strategy and probability.

Re: Task 1: Yahtzee

PostPosted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 3:10 pm
by River Fenwick

Re: Task 1: Yahtzee

PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2025 6:46 pm
by Prof. Kendra Givens