Strange and magical things that happened to you

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Strange and magical things that happened to you

Postby Adeline Morior » Thu Aug 03, 2023 11:09 am

What we consider strange and magical might differ from person to person. But do they make for interesting stories.

I was walking home once from my part time job when I noticed a sketchy looking hooded figure following me. I started to panic a bit and picked up my pace. The figure picked up their pace as well. Feeling a bit unsure what to do, I started to look around and noticed two massive dogs (they looked more like wolves) cross the street, heading right toward me. Holding my breath, they did what I did not expect. They started walking each next to my sides. I was being shielded by there creatures. I looked back and notice the sketchy figure hesitate and turn back. These animals walked me to my gate, waited for me to enter and then strutted off. I found this to be strange and surely magical.

Have you ever had something odd, strange or even magical happen to you that you perhaps can't explain but will never forget? Share with us your stories below.

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Re: Strange and magical things that happened to you

Postby Evie Figg » Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:32 pm

Oh I could write an entire novel series full of strange an paranormal things that have happened in my life, and my family members lives, as well! So, let me share only a few examples:

When my mom was a kid, she was sleeping in her bedroom. She awoke one night, and a lady entered her room, and sat gently at the foot of her bed. My mom had never seen this woman before, but she was too scared to move. The woman asked "Have you seen Sharon?" And my mom shook her head "No" in response. The woman then left her room and she never saw her again.

That story haunted me my whole life! My mom would tell it multiple times throughout the years...My mom always talked about how she could feel spirits, and things would also happen in our house that we couldn't explain.

Now, flash forward to present day. My grandmother just recently passed away. My mom has a picture of her on her dresser, along with a vase full of flowers.

One day, my mom came into her bedroom, looked on the floor, and saw the flowers resting on the floor, straight and perfectly aligned. The vase had not been moved, or knocked over, it was still standing next to the picture. We believe this was my grandma trying to communicate.

Another incident was when we recently went to Las Vegas on vacation. My mother and I arrived at the hotel at different times. She arrived first, and when she did, the lights in the bathroom began to flicker. She believed it was my grandmother saying she was there to protect us for our trip. Then, when I arrived, the same thing happened. Flickering lights. The lights did not flicker for the rest of the time we were there, only the day we both arrived.

Like I said I have so many stories! These were just a few examples of my paranormal life! Lol! :D
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Re: Strange and magical things that happened to you

Postby Viviana Kingston » Mon Nov 06, 2023 9:36 am

I think the strangest thing that's happened to me was one morning, I was sleeping in late (just to give you some background, my bed is against the wall and usually sleep with my back facing the wall) and like I was in a deep sort of sleep but I felt someone tap my shoulder, so i woke up and there was literally no one else in my room, the door was even closed! it had me spooked out.
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