What we consider strange and magical might differ from person to person. But do they make for interesting stories.
I was walking home once from my part time job when I noticed a sketchy looking hooded figure following me. I started to panic a bit and picked up my pace. The figure picked up their pace as well. Feeling a bit unsure what to do, I started to look around and noticed two massive dogs (they looked more like wolves) cross the street, heading right toward me. Holding my breath, they did what I did not expect. They started walking each next to my sides. I was being shielded by there creatures. I looked back and notice the sketchy figure hesitate and turn back. These animals walked me to my gate, waited for me to enter and then strutted off. I found this to be strange and surely magical.
Have you ever had something odd, strange or even magical happen to you that you perhaps can't explain but will never forget? Share with us your stories below.