Hello, Eagles! How's your day? I hope you have a great and wonderful day! Woho!
Let's play a game! Actually I played this often with my friends. We usually play by dropping our choices to the Question Box on the Instagram Story or on the Telegram Board. I will use the one I created this morning.
Now to the game. It's called "A gemstone for You."
How do you play? You will play by giving a gemstone that reminds you or you think describes the person who posted before you very well. Along with the gemstone, include the reason (a sentence is enough) why you choose that stone. As I will be the first one to post here, so the person after me should give me a gemstone to describe me or a gemstone that remind them of me Does this sound difficult to do? I hope not~ And well, what if someone already got theirs but they post again? Hm, just skip them. Nah, just kidding. You can still give them a gemstone since I know people would have many preferences for someone, right?
Let's play~