RQT Talont Award: End of Year

Moderators: Prof. Ryan Granger, Head Staff

RQT Talont Award: End of Year

Postby Prof. Arielle Lemoyne » Sun May 26, 2013 10:37 pm

Description: An honour presented to the Ravenclaw Quidditch player who combines great trivia knowledge with good sportsmanship.


After one final winning game, RQT has completed another undefeated season! While they have a talont award for each game, this time players voted for a team member who was inspiring throughout the entire season.

Because we have such a wonderful team, we ended up with two awardees!

Congratulations to Amy Charz, our fabulous chaser who is constantly impressing RQT (and scaring the other teams) with her crazy trivia knowledge, and to Kyrie Adderholt, our awesome co-captain who kept us motivated and led us through another exciting season!
Arielle Lemoyne | RQT Co-captain | Ravenclaw DHoH
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Re: RQT Talont Award: End of Year

Postby Ariella McManus » Mon May 27, 2013 2:28 pm

WOOT! Congratulations Amy and Kyrie!!
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