EoY Award Nominations

Moderators: Prof. Ryan Granger, Head Staff

EoY Award Nominations

Postby Prof. Kyrie Adderholt » Tue Jun 16, 2020 11:45 pm

Each year Ravenclaw gives out awards to celebrate the end of the school year. There are several awards that are given based on criteria (such as points), or that are chosen by the HoH, but we have five that are open to nominations:

Biggest Beak - An honour presented to the Ravenclaw always in tune with the latest news, always searching for new friends, and just generally -- has a beak in everyone's business (in the good way, of course!)

Bold Eagle - An honour presented to the Ravenclaw who has displayed outstanding bravery and courage several times throughout the school term.

Ravenclaw in Awe - An honour presented to the most widely respected Ravenclaw. He or she astounds us each time, and is full of surprises.

ROFL Award - An honour presented to the Ravenclaw who constantly tickles our funny bones -- er, feathers!

Wing Painter Award - An honour presented to the most artistically skilled Ravenclaw.

Please give your input on these awards! Send your nominations to kyrie.adderholt@gmail.com by 11:59 pm HOL time on June 25th.
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Prof. Kyrie Adderholt
Queen of Muffins
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