Hawking HOLer - March

Moderators: Prof. Ryan Granger, Head Staff

Hawking HOLer - March

Postby Prof. Ryan Granger » Fri May 10, 2019 8:57 pm

An honour presented to a Ravenclaw who always finds time for HOL, despite any impediments or interferences.


This month's winner is shining example of our house. She always does her best and ready to help out and step up when needed! She does a great job representing Rave. Congrats Vanessa Tilley!
Ryan Granger||Professor Extraordinaire||Not At All Useless|
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Prof. Ryan Granger
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Re: Hawking HOLer - March

Postby Gail Allen » Sun May 12, 2019 4:36 pm

Yay. Well deserved and so true. You'd be hard pressed to find a better representative for our house!
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Gail Allen
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