Belated Spring Nest Hunt award winner!

Moderators: Prof. Ryan Granger, Head Staff

Belated Spring Nest Hunt award winner!

Postby Prof. Rhiannon Llewellyn » Sun May 16, 2004 3:07 am

Your very humble DHoH begs forgiveness for being so late with these, but may I present -- tah-dah and at last! -- the winner of the Spring Nest Hunt, for the Hari/Celes/Kim nest group --

Chloe Fairchilde!!


And also congratulations to all who participated:

Leah Samson
Alecia Amethysta
Kimaire Seloiro
Matt Whisp


(Conary made the graphics and they rock!)
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Postby Prof. Laffengraff » Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:24 am

And your HOH is tardy offering congratulations. That was a tricky hunt and all of you did a fabulous job! Thank you for participating!!!! :D
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