As chosen by their Professors, these awards are given to Ravenclaws who excel in his/her HOL classes. The winners this year are:
Académie de Magie Beauxbâtons -- Arielle Lemoyne
Arithmancy-- Mallory Dawson, Niahm Cassidy
Art Appreciation: The Ninja Turtles -- Gustavo Flores
Astronomy - Avira Wolvezevie
A Visit to Hogsmeade - Alexia Riaper, Maya Winters, Prof. Ulol Kimil, Rowan Nazz, Scarlet Leslie, Violet White
Broom Race -- Addy Cassic
Care of Magical Pets -- Dolly Frazer, Kyrie Adderholt
Charms -- Astra Holt
Comparative Wizardry -- Scarlet Leslie
Dragons -- Ginger Holloway
Famous Witches and Wizards in History -- Gustavo Flores, Maya Winters, Silmarien Szilagyi
Greek Mythology -- Elena Galatas, Gustavo Flores
Greek Mythology (Advanced) -- Alexia Riaper
History of Hogwarts -- Alexia Riaper, Catriona Watson
HOL Quidditch -- Ashleigh Harkness
Introduction to Geophysics -- Scarlet Leslie
Magic of Forensic Science -- Akira Yamada, Arielle Lemoyne
Magic of Forensic Science (Advanced) -- Gustavo Flores, Rosanna Gullveig
Oceanology -- Arnora Eleniel
Optical Illusions -- Tiffany Locke
Philippines Mythology and Folklore - Jenna Hathaway
Potable Potions -- Rosanna Gullveig
Principles of Deep Magic -- Astra Holt, Catriona Watson
Quidditch the Wizarding Way -- Arielle Lemoyne, Arnora Eleniel, Gustavo Flores, Tara Aurelium
Vampires in Media -- Jenna Hathaway
Wand-Making -- Raye Aria
Wizarding Science -- Arielle Lemoyne
Writing Your Own Fairy Tales - Mene Moonplanet