An honour presented to Ravenclaws who excels in his/her HOL classes.
A Journey to the World of Avatar I - Prof. Cassandra Lobiesk
A Journey to the World of Avatar II - Prof. Cassandra Lobiesk
Academie de Magie Beauxbatons - Demelza Westwood
Accidental Magic Reversal Squad - Amy Lupin, Edmund Smethwyck, Kyrie Adderholt, Scarlett Lacarnum
Alchemy: An Ancient Beginning - Alexander Bowne, Niamh Cassidy
Ancient Runes - Niamh Cassidy
Art Appreciation: The Ninja Turtles - Alexander Bowne, Niamh Cassidy
Basic Healing: Isabella Brooke
Beyond Earth: Aliens of Science Fiction - Astrid Black, Niamh Cassidy, Olivia Thorneblood
Broom Making - Prof. Scarlet Leslie
Broom Race: A Race Across Sweden - Gertrudis Leheureux
Charms - Macy Marie
Chinese Festivals - Matilde Rayne, Prof. Gustavo Flores
Duelling 101 - Matilde Rayne
Fae Folk 1 - Medea de Troja, Scarlet Irisa
Fae Folk 2 - Amy Lupin, Prof. Gustavo Flores
Forensic Anthropology: When Bones Talk - Edmund Smethwyck
Gift of the Nile: Egyptian Mythology - Iris Ixchel
Healing Herbology - Astrid Black, Siobhan Burke
History of Hogwarts - Adele Lacrosse, Aili Raja
Journey of the Hero - Rossana Spearman
Languages 101 - Ellie Warhol, Matilde Rayne
Magical Maladies in Magizoology - Silmarien Szilagyi
Magical Mexico - Lenore Spiaggi
OWLs - Kyrie Adderholt
The Magic of Disney - Iris Ixchel, Kyrie Adderholt, Rossana Spearman, Scarlet Irisa
The Tudors - Kyrie Adderholt
Transfiguration - Astrid Black, Edmund Smethwyck
Word Magic - Selene Granger, Shiloh Adlar