I cry for the creatures who get left behind, but everything will change in a blink of an eye, and if you wish to survive you will find the guide inside. —
Firmly in the mindset by now that you must definitely be dreaming or have been hit with an exceptionally powerful confundus charm, you nonetheless continue engaging as calmly as possible with your angel companion and their absurd claims.
“Who even are these Annunaki?” You take note of how unexpectedly graceful and elegant the giants are conducting themselves within the context of whatever meeting they’ve gathered for. “How did they come to earth?”
“Fallen angels,” Saffron explains, “mixing with humans. They created a race of human-angel hybrids of great size and strength. They have also been called by other names, such as the Nephilim, from different people around the world. Each of these cultures tells similar tales of these beings, culminating in a great flood.”
“And these human-angel hybrids, they helped our species evolve?”
“Indeed, the Annunaki imparted vast depths of knowledge. Far beyond what would have been your natural understanding of various arts and sciences, for example, as well as agriculture advancement. Pushing you to greater heights.”
You shake your head, “This is all too much.”
Saffron hovers wordlessly.
“So…” you press on. “So the Annunaki angered the powers that be, and were punished for it?”
“The powers that be do not interfere in situations like these,” Saffron corrects. “By the sacred laws of free will which are built into the fabric of these planes, it was the prerogative of the fallen angels to bear the Annunaki, whose right it was to create you.”
“Then why were they punished?”
“Being this far from home, we have all come to learn so much about the cost of free will,” the temperature of Saffron’s tone drops by degrees before warming cheerfully again. “As well its benefits! But that’s why all of us came here. Whether human or angel, annunaki or the greys, we are all here to grow, and to bring lessons back home when we return. Each of us in their own way and time.”
Closing your eyes to let this sink in, once reopened, Saffron lets you know they’re ready to go.
“It’s time for you to learn more about life outside your planet.”
There’s been a lot to absorb in a very short period of them, your thoughts can’t help but race between different topics you’ve been hearing about, and all the new things coming into your bubble. For this task, create a
Signature &/or
Avatar to go along with this activity and post below!
5 beans/sapphires will be awarded for posting an Avatar image (
10 beans/sapphires for posting a Signature image (
Alternatively you may
Describe your signature and avatar in
100 words or more (what kind of imagery would you use, and what do you enjoy about that?) or use a minimum of
150 words to write a
Letter from one character in the Wizarding World (any books/movies directly affiliated with Harry Potter) to another discussing extraterrestrial life and/or an unusual alien encounter they’ve heard of/experienced and post your work below. How would they react to something like that?
This task is worth
15 beans/sapphires, with an additional
15 bonus beans/sapphires for completing all Week One tasks by end of activity.
Deadline is 11:59pm (HOL time) on Sunday July 28th.