~ s w e e t s | TROLLY ~


Moderator: Prof. Sindor Aloyarc

~ s w e e t s | TROLLY ~

Postby Prof. Sindor Aloyarc » Mon Mar 03, 2025 1:18 am

** All the beans & awards have
been submitted as listed below!

Sapphires will be updated with stats announced separately.
Award images feature candies (one a square, one a heart) with cute little candied faces.

Thw Truly Scrumptious award: Image
For submitting 5 posts to the story & attempting 30 trivia questions.

Janne Halla
Matthew Treetop
River Fenwick

Unruly Hearts award: Image
For submitting all 10 posts to the story & attempting all 60 trivia questions.

Janne Halla
Matthew Treetop
River Fenwick

The Sapphire & Beans sack:

Janne Halla - 300
Galena May - 230
Matthew Treetop - 300
River Fenwick - 300
Helenarosequeen Granger - 30
Sita Raan - 110
Ellie Vernez - 140
Scarlet Robloutain - 220
Katherine Laurier - 80

Full disclosure, I had an entirely different activity prepared for February that I was about 75% done with when the Roost went down for over a week at the end of last month—which I will run another time—and I foolishly didn’t have the work saved anywhere else like I have for every other activity I’ve organize at HOL, and unfortunately it wasn’t something I could start and catch up on at the time. Shame on me, lol. And lesson (hopefully) learned! I mention it because this current theme was something I’ve had on the back burner for a while that I would have ideally preferred to flesh out a bit more, and because my heart sank when I realized my mistake, I am truly and scrumptiously grateful to all of you who participated and made this past month such a fun journey together. Thank you for your time, and for your friendship.

Deputy Headmaster | Deputy Head of Ravenclaw
"⁠—I’ll follow you into the dark."
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Prof. Sindor Aloyarc
Deputy Head of House
Posts: 862
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2003 2:25 pm
Location: New England, USA

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