All of the students' excitement can be felt in the air. The Ravenclaw Pride Month activity for 2025 is about to officially begin! After receiving the instructions in the Great Hall, it's clear everyone is up for the friendly competition of finding all the badges for their team.
You sit with your team, and you adore the camaraderie you've immediately established, especially after the introductions, giving each other supportive smiles and thumbs-ups.
Katherine Laurier walks up and takes Silvana's place in front, a cheery smile on her face, "Happy Ravenclaw Pride Month to everyone! We know you are all excited, so we will not hold you for much longer."
"Once again, no magic is allowed. Once your team is finished or the three hours is up, we would like everyone in the Ravenclaw Towers," she says. "Now, are we all ready?"
You all cheer enthusiastically, the spirit of RPM evident.
Katherine nods in approval with a grin, "The doors will now open. You may now head to your first location. Enjoy!"
The Great Hall doors open and each team exits and heads to the first location on their parchment promptly.
Your team's first location is the Entrance Hall. Luckily, this is right outside the Great Hall! You all scatter and attempt to find the badge somewhere, the adrenaline pumping through you.
Moments later, you hear a gasp and a proud exclaim from one of your teammates, "I found it!"
You turn your head immediately and they are holding up the badge. At this announcement, your team is ecstatic!
Katherine, the moderator in charge of the location, begins to speak, "Congratulations! Now, this first badge is a special one. You may personalize this as something to represent your team. Aside from this badge for your team which will be submitted when we wrap up the event, each of you will receive individual badges which you may also personalize for yourself. These do not count towards your total badge count as a team and they will be yours to keep to remember this event! You can now use some time to decorate your badges."
Personalize your first found badge! Make a signature and avatar or describe it in at least 100 words. If you choose to make a graphic, make sure the signature is 250x100px and the avatar is 100x100px maximum. The signature and avatar are worth 5 beans each. You may choose to make a signature and avatar for your team (which you may choose yourself since you are not truly assigned to teams: Red, Blue, Yellow, or Green), or for yourself.
Alternatively, in at least 150 words, outline at least 3 goals that you have for RPM 2025, whether in character, out of character, or both. These could be personal, such as forging friendships, or more tangible, such as finding all the badges or receiving a certain award during the activity.