It’s tradition over Pride Month here to nominate your friends for The Eagles Awards. Beyond a few old faithfuls, most of the superlatives below were either retooled or completely new as of last year. We are also happy to keep making these awards available to all houses, which is similarly a more recent change we’ve enjoyed to spread the magic a little further.
Let’s flap those wings and get flyin’ up to the clouds! All members of HOL are encouraged to contribute their opinions.
Categories are:
Most Likely to Create a New Potion or Spell
Social Bowtruckle
Most Likely to Solve an "Unsolvable" Puzzle
Broke the Most Quills
Most Likely to Befriend a Chimaera
Best Howler Submission
Most Likely to Keep a Secret Stash of Chocolate Frogs
Best New Eaglet
Most Likely to be Confused for a Gryffindor
Most Likely to be Confused for a Hufflepuff
Most Likely to be Confused for a Slytherin
Most Likely to be Confused for a Ravenclaw**
Best Artist to Commission for a New Hogwarts Portrait
Most Likely to be Found in the Restricted Section
Future Owner of Zonko’s Joke Shop
Most Likely to get Distracted by a Nargle
Next Entertainer on The Witching Hour
Most Likely to Debate the Door Knocker
So Helpful Even Filch Loves Them
Most Likely to be Minister of Magic
Think you’ll be able to nominate someone for every category?? Try for them all, or submit as many as you can!
For every Eagle you nominate, you may also nominate one person from any other house for the same award!
It is perfectly acceptable to nominate the same person for more than one award. All first years nominated from other houses will be considered as “Eaglets” for that award. For “most likely to be confused for” house specific nominations, obviously you should not nominate people from the house in question, but you may from the others. Votes for Non Ravenclaw will be tallied separately, with any winners announced in addition to Ravenclaw winners.
Nominations for yourself may be submitted where you believe you are the most deserving of the award. We will accept up to 4 self-nominations per person.
You have the chance to receive up to 2 beans per category (1 each for nominating a Ravenclaw and a Non Ravenclaw across the twenty superlatives**) earning as many as 40 beans for your contributions! Note these will be tallied and awarded separately from the RPM activity tracking, and do NOT count toward Sapphire earnings. It is acceptable to vote for additional people per category —still including the one Ravenclaw for every Non Ravenclaw nomination— however they will not accrue additional beans.
** While it doesn’t include eagles, you will of course still earn 2 beans for the “Confused for a Ravenclaw” category if you nominate TWO people.
Please Submit Nominations privately to me by Sunday March 30th at 11:59pm (HOL time)