by Galena May » Tue Jul 23, 2024 1:07 am
A very interesting debate - topic. First of all, thanks to the person who created this thread. This is such a nice question. In my opinion, prophecies are created according to the current energy of the universe in that moment when the prophecy was being made. That energy can definitely be changed by taking the correct actions required after interpreting the prophecy correctly, as you said yourself for example that Lord Voldemort missed parts of it and hence did not interpret it correctly and perhaps did not take the right actions needed. But, I will add here that it is very difficult for humans to interpret a prophecy correctly, because the Universe communicates with us in somewhat of a code language, meaning in a range of frequencies already far less detectable to those without special psychic abilities. So, it is very difficult to determine in what way exactly we need to be acting to turn the prophecy in our favor , especially for people like Lord Voldemort who was further hindered by his own negative energies and fear which subconsciously worked against himself in the case of this prophecy, . Besides, we are not the only ones making changes in the Universal energy shifts. There are other people who also consciously do things to prevent/protect/hinder us, consciously or subconsciously. For example, in Voldemort's case, Dumbledore was actively working to make the prophecy work , even just like Voldemort slapping the name of the Chosen One on the boy who he thought was the one, though it could easily have been Neville. With the good/ bad energies /intentions /and ACTIONS of the people around us and ourselves constantly making changes in the chain of events, if we still manage to be a master puppeteer and change the energy of the universe actively and consciously, we can indeed change the events foretold by a prophecy, but it will be difficult obviously. If we manage to do it, a second prophecy taken at the time we have managed to change the energies significantly will read different from the first one. This is similar to tarot readings. Tarot tells you the energies of the current moment, which is subject to continous change according to your actions as well as the actions of the people around you. This is why you can consciously manifest a favorable outcome even if the cards tell otherwise, provided the situation is reasonably less affected by external factors beyond your control. If you do a second tarot reading after events have changed or you have consciously manifested a desired outcome, the tarot cards will tell you the desired outcome this time. Sitting around and doing nothing will not change the message of the cards, though. Similarly, manifesting a negative outcome by avoiding or no longer doing what you were doing before the tarot reading foretold a positive outcome, can negatively affect the events, and the next time, you are quite possibly prone to getting a negative reading by the same tarot cards. The same happens with prophecies but on a much grander scale, because prophecies tend to be made from energies detected from a wider range, involving about a wide community of people, whereas tarot cards only detect the energies of the individual doing the reading, or a limited number of individuals that the individual doing the reading may be actively thinking about. This also means that prophecies will be more difficult to change compared to tarot readings, because the wider range of a prophecy involves the actions and energies of way more people in a wider area. In Voldemort's case, the prophecy was about a large part of the wizarding world and may even have affected Muggles.
Beauty is everywhere, if only you will choose to see it!
Galena May for you, a first year witch student at Hogwarts. Say hi if you see me.