I’ve heard many different arguments on what people feel is the “correct” way to hang toilet paper, but what do you think? Should the strip hang over the roll, or under it?
My preference? I’m on team OVER!
For me, it’s both visually and practically more desirable, but I will say that the best argument I’ve heard on this topic is actually for the opposing side: I once saw a picture of toilet paper rolling “over,” where a very large spider was hanging on the side of the strip facing the wall. The caption read something like “And this is why you roll the toilet paper UNDER.”
Compelling! I will give them that!
The idea of reaching for a square of toilet paper and being surprised by a massive spider on the far side makes me cringe something fierce. LOVE me spiders (they’re so cool, and some like the jumping spiders are too freaking cute), but they sometimes give me a bit of the heebie-jeebies, and I don’t necessarily want to be grabbing at strange ones I don’t realize are there.
Still, it hasn’t swayed my opinion enough to make me change my mind. What about you?
When it comes to a TP, are you on Team Over or Team Under?!