What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Jenna Flitworthy » Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:23 am

I'm quite a bit on the brainy side, I spend every waking moment in some book or a library,I am doing my GCSEs early, I'm in top set for everything (the weird thing is, we end up with the worst teachers, our science teacher just let us do anything at the end of the year) , I was picked for the maths team, I don't mind studying Shakespeare, I once correctly identified Plato as writing The Republic and being taught by Socrates and being the teacher of Aristotle. (But that was a moment of general nerdiness) and I am a complete nerd. But that's a good thing. I think. :D
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Murkolo Rell » Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:51 am

What makes me a Ravenclaw? Nothing. I'm an awesome Slytherin. :D

Ravenclaw was my second bet, maybe third. I prize intelligence and I think I've got some myself. But rather than read a long passage, I'd find some way around it. Cheating perhaps. Thats the difference between Slyths and Ravens. Slytherins are more resourceful. :)
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Dean Fuaddy » Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:27 pm

umm, i think i'm not a smart person, but i can't wonder how did i get my iQ test result (it was 138).

well, i have participated in a some kind of mathematic competition when i was in 5th grade, and i was in 4th place in my province.

but, suddenly, i HATE math when i was in 7th grade (now i'm 8th :D) because i have a difficulties in Algebraic (i can't master it until now -_-).

and now i jumped soooooo far from math to BIOLOGY. hey, it is exciting to learn about cow's digestive system, frog's heart structure, or about heredity. and luckily, i was in 90th place in my country for biology :D

but even with so many achievements i got, i still didn't get the feeling that i'm a "smart" person. because i still need to learn, and there are TONS thing i have to learn. and when i knew that i sorted to Ravenclaw, i'm not surprised at all. because even Ravenclaw is the place for genius people, i know they also still learning something, even i don't know it for sure.

so, glad to be part of this fantastic house :lol:
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Leanna Lovegood » Tue Oct 12, 2010 12:24 am

Hmm...well, my friends say I'm quite bright, and intelligent, and I love reading and writing (not so much creative writing, more so analyzing and reports and essays.) I get straight A's (once I got a C in 6th grade. I've never cried so hard in my life up until then.) I take honors classes (well, only math right now, they don't offer any other honors classes in 7th grade) and I'm extremely gifted in art and musical talent. On the ERBS (some sort of national standard test I got in the 99th percentile for one of the categories. I've actually never taken a IQ test. (can't find a reliable one on the internet) I don't sound very modest right now, do I? Oh well. I love being a part of Ravenclaw and I prize wit and intelligence above all. :)
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Bella Coupland » Tue Oct 12, 2010 11:29 am

What makes me a Ravenclaw?

Well I believe in the power of knowledge and I strive to learn all i can. I'm topping all my classes in 12th grade (except English, 2nd haha). My teachers say i'm gifted but I don't think i am.. i just enjoy learning. And I love helping others learn too.

I like puzzles and riddles, anything that tests my knowledge. I find great humour in television shows like House, Stargate and Big Bang Theory (I just love the little intelligent witty remarks that are snuck in)

So the two most prominent traits of Ravenclaw, intelligence and wit, I believe are prominent in me also.
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Demysel Whitewood » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:59 am

Well, my friends say that I'm quite smart and intelligent. I love to learn, experiment, and solving logic. I'm also participated in math olympiad for my school. I love reading (esp. a History) and writing. I'm also diligent and beautiful. :D
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Ginny Lee » Tue Feb 08, 2011 4:35 pm

If i should point it out one by one, i don't think i will be able to finish it before i graduate from HOL.. maybe i'm just too Ravenclaw to even do that.. so, i guess i'll just say that i'm a Ravenclaw because i'm intelligent, i love puzzles, i love doing homework, i read, i write, i love books, i love music, i love muffins with cheese, i.....will stop it soon.... i'm clever and i'm unlimited cool!! just perfect!
*someone brick my neck and bring me back to senses*

Ravenclaw is the right house and title for me!
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Blanca Solchoice » Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:25 pm

Well it's said everywhere that Ravenclaws are smart, bright, have an aptitude for learning, and all that jazz <<that is 100% true of me:
-i'm academically inclined
-i do my hmk like a good little eagle
-self proclaimed nerd
-i like learning, and reading

So yah, I'm an accurately placed little witch; the nest is and forever will be my home
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Erona Emsworth » Sat Aug 13, 2011 2:36 am

Ever since I can remember, I've been fascinated with logic puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, sodoku, crosswords, and generally any puzzle I can get my hands on. In addition to that, I have always been an avid reader. I both love and value learning.
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Demetri Evans » Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:46 am

I love to read books, (but not neighbors of political and legal). In addition, in the real world I was the smartest student in my class, although there are still better than me at school.
I guess that's what made ​​me into Ravenclaw :D
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Matilde Rayne » Fri Oct 07, 2011 2:10 pm

I could go on about how I love reading and writing, or about how I usually got the highest marks in all of my classes in high school, or about how I love solving puzzles and playing games that require a bit of cleverness or wit.

But, really, what's probably most telling is my first and biggest struggle at my university: picking a major. >> A lot of my friends stuck to two or three subjects that they were already familiar in and narrowed their choice down from those, but I immediately started taking classes that I had no idea about - because I wanted to know about them. And there were so many different areas of study to explore. I wish I could have had more time - and more money, unfortunately - to look into them more, but I eventually settled on biology and, to a lesser extent, anthropology as my main focus.

That doesn't mean I can't take a stray astronomy, linguistics, or psychology class on the side. ;3

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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Prof. Opal Curare » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:27 am

Hellloooooooooo Eagles! So, I'm a Slytherin, not a Ravenclaw (GASP), but I decided I wanted to share my answer so I'm just gonna tweak the prompt a teeny little bit... !

What Makes You an Honorary Ravenclaw?

1. First, I have my awesome RQT signature. Actually, that can be first, second, and third on my list because it is that awesome.
4. Although I am a Slyth and do value the traits of my house, I am a moderate person, and find that the values of Ravenclaw make a lot of sense and just generally mesh with my worldview.
5. I'm a nerd. It's a fact. In my classroom today, I was teaching the kids how to do Socratic Seminar, and as our "guided practice/modeling" part of the lesson I used Harry Potter as the common text and posed the question, "Was Snape a tragic hero?" Can every day in English class be related to HP or LotR or something awesome like that? Yes please.
6. I've been around HOL for quite some time, and my Eagle friends are some of my closest and most cherished. <3 you guys!

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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Andie Smith » Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:58 am

I have been the socially-awkward brainy kid my whole life I couldn't really get away with it. It's not that I'm not brave, or ambitious, or even hard-working. I was weird and everybody picked on me, but I stood up for myself at all times. I've always aimed high and worked hard to have what I wanted and I always had. I think it's just that the fact that I always have my nose stuck in a book, I've always had the best grades in school and my friends always come to me for advice stands out from any other idiosyncrasy I may have, making me more Ravenclaw than anything else I could ever be.

Matilde Rayne wrote:I could go on about how I love reading and writing, or about how I usually got the highest marks in all of my classes in high school, or about how I love solving puzzles and playing games that require a bit of cleverness or wit.

But, really, what's probably most telling is my first and biggest struggle at my university: picking a major. >> A lot of my friends stuck to two or three subjects that they were already familiar in and narrowed their choice down from those, but I immediately started taking classes that I had no idea about - because I wanted to know about them. And there were so many different areas of study to explore. I wish I could have had more time - and more money, unfortunately - to look into them more, but I eventually settled on biology and, to a lesser extent, anthropology as my main focus.

That doesn't mean I can't take a stray astronomy, linguistics, or psychology class on the side. ;3

I had a similar problem with my college application, I took a while to figure out what I wanted to study. Everything seemed so interesting and I was good in such a wide range of things I had a really hard time choosing what to do. But I ended up picking Visual Arts and I'm really glad did so.
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Ameline Kolacny » Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:54 am

This is a hard question to answer for if we look at the treads that belong to our house do I have to say that they do fit me, in my own way. A ready mind, wit and learning are indeed what fit me but what is wisdom, wit, and learning one might ask themselves for there many ways to be smart or witty and you can learn in just as many ways.

The questions is not perse weather we have these treads or not for everybody can learn, everybody had wisdom and most certainly everybody can be witty if they want to. So we can ask ourselves what is it then that sets us appart, that makes fit for wise old Ravenclaw well for me it be the will and drive to learn new things. I'm naturally curious and a wise headmaster once said: “Curiosity is not a sin.... But we should exercise caution with our curiosity... yes, indeed.” the fact that I'm curcious but play it cautigious (most of the time anyway) is what, atleast for me, makes me an eagle. Thinking in swift and witty ways before action is taking is to me more a tread that would suit me. What am trying to say is that every eagle here fits the characteristics in their own so to ask why I am a good eagle is a hard question to answer as that question has many personal answers to it.

It is not what men is born to be that makes them eagle or not but their actions. What are my actions, you might ask. Well like any other good eagle do I like a good book, to I like to learn and I certainly can be witty when I want to be it. It is strange but somehow to me Ravenclaw has always felt like home, the place where I belong. Plus I happen to like blue so that is another plus to me. I don't know really, I suppose being an eagle is in my blood, in my heart and very soul. :lol:
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Re: What Makes You a Ravenclaw?

Postby Allyson Celestra » Sun Mar 11, 2012 2:03 am

I think what makes me a Ravenclaw is that I love learning and in school I constantly raise my hand all the time in class that some teachers have to tell me to put my hand down to give other people a chance, lol. I also love reading and solving riddles. :)
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