I recently came across a thing of "Tom Riddle's rejected acronyms" which was a bunch of names Tom Riddle may have considered when he was coming up with his eventual "I am Lord Voldemort" moniker.
A few:
Tom Marvolo Riddle
-Lord Earldom Vomit
-I Am Loved Old Mr. Ort
-Old Immortal Lover
-Marmot Drool Devil
I was thinking... what kind of anagramed nickname would I use for myself?
Arielle Lemoyne
-LeeRoy L. Meanie
-No, I'm really Elle
-I'm Lonely Earl E.
-Me? Royal Nellie.
-Lonely eerie email
-Eerie Lemon Ally
Some of these are nonsense, but idk, "Eerie Lemon Ally" sounds like a cool codename. What can you come up with for your names?
(remember to keep it G-rated!)