Must you use your super powers?

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Must you use your super powers?

Postby Gail Allen » Tue Apr 30, 2019 11:06 pm

There is a new Avengers movie out and that made me ponder the question: If you have super powers, are you obligated to use them to help others, or would you be within your rights to live a quiet life?
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Re: Must you use your super powers?

Postby Prof. Alexander Brighton » Wed May 01, 2019 10:25 pm

I think it would be good and nice if a person with super powers used them to help others, it might make the world a better place with less crimes. But I think it's everyone's right to live the quiet life if that's what they want, even if they had super powers. They wouldn't necessarily have to use them to help others. But I know if I had super powers, I would want to use them and I would use them to help others when I could.
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Re: Must you use your super powers?

Postby Finn Cullen » Sat Nov 16, 2019 9:32 pm

Every individual has something they can do better than someone else. Are they obligated to use that ability? A superpower is just an extreme example of some personal talent and there is likewise no obligation to deploy it for the greater good.

However one could argue that it is morally and ethically good to do so - in which case that also applies to every skill and talent possessed by the individual.

This however then raises the further question of whether there is an absolute definition of moral and ethical goodness, and if there is such an absolute definition is that definition discernible and agreed on by all? Unless this is the case then the deployment of abilities, mundane or extra-mundane, will be determined by the choices of the possessor of same.
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Re: Must you use your super powers?

Postby Aurelia West » Thu Nov 25, 2021 10:59 pm

I agree with Finn’s point on how it ultimately comes down to a question of ethics and morality, which each person may perceive differently. Objectively speaking, no one has to do anything if they don’t want to, so any given person with super powers is under no contract to use them. Considering the mental and physical duress superheroes put themselves under nearly everyday depending on the average crime rate and saturation of heroes, becoming a hero is a large thing to ask someone to do.

I would say it depends upon the environment and societal influences surrounding any given person. In a world where citizens find themselves with little hope, it may be more expected for any person with a special ability to use it. Whereas in a more peaceful area, it is likely less frowned upon to pursue a quiet life.
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Re: Must you use your super powers?

Postby Galena May » Mon Jul 29, 2024 6:38 am

It depends on whether or not manipulating the outcome is ethical. Sometimes, manipulating the outcome is also not beneficial to the greater good, even if it appears so at the moment. We do not know what is unfolding and should not attempt to take actions with limited knowledge of whether or not we will get what we desire, especially because the side- effects can end up harming us in a way we did not anticipate. Maybe we will be surprised by the outcome without using our superpowers in the end? Why try to have an advantage over others, when we can really have what we desire without going against fate? That's just my opinion.
Now, going back to the original poster's question, I think that the life of a superhero is like that of a celebrity. They have no rest and are held to ( reasonably in this case) high standards. They must go out to save the world. I do agree that when it comes to restoring balance, there is a possible chance that the superpower was bestowed upon them for a reason and they are supposed to use it. But, they can expect that like everything else, that this will come with a lot of negatives, such as being faced with dilemmas, obligations, and endless spotlights. Whether or not you want to take up the drama is a choice you are allowed to make for yourself.
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