Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal


Moderator: Lex Green

Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal

Postby Lex Green » Thu Jan 18, 2024 9:45 pm

As the rehearsal process continues, everyone (staff and students included) is very impressed by the skill of the creative team and the magical ideas they have come up with for the production. The script is excellent, but there are still a few parts that need finishing, so the writing team have asked if anyone else has a contribution they would like to add.

Write at least 100 words of some form of creative piece - this could be specifically a piece of script, but could also be a poem, song, short story, or any other form of creative writing you can think of!

This task is worth 10 beans/sapphires, with an additional 10 bonus beans/sapphires available for completing all Week Three (Rehearsals) tasks by the end of activity (January 31st.)
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Re: Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal

Postby Hiya Debnath » Fri Jan 19, 2024 11:51 am

"I'm going to need chicken blood, salt, five candles, and a bottle of vodka", Gerald said.

"Vodka? For the spell?", I asked.

"No, that's just to make me feel better about ripping a hole in the universe", he replied. The cup of green tea shook as Gerald put it to his lips and drank.

"How long has it been?", he asked. "A year and a half", I replied. "It will take some effort, then", he said and fell silent. I got up and asked for his permission to leave, more for fear of him changing his mind, rather than to shut the awkward silence between us.

On the appointed day, I was there five minutes before time.The last slanting rays of the sun illumined the oak backdoor of his house, facing his backyard, our appointed meeting place. He appeared in the blackest of suits and a hat and sat opposite to me. "I brought everything", I said. He nervously cleaned the place around us and chanted a few indiscernible words. I watched him sprinkle water and handfuls of earth in a circle around us. "Sit down", he said, "and focus. It's the focus that is mandatory, to bring back the dead. And be quick with the questions. I cannot hold Arthur here for long."

The scentless candles flickered as a light finally appeared and took the shape of an outline. Silhoutteed against the light, stood Arthur, my dead brother-in-law, pale, discernible, but not real. Struck dumb with surprise, anticipation, and fear, I swallowed, then managed to ask, "How did you leave us?"
"The UATA, they killed me, a couple of gunshots straight through my head. It wasn't an accident", he said, "Tell Kate to be brave and take care of herself."
The struggle was visible on his face as the pain tore him between two worlds. "In the caves at Denisova, Bear Ro....... ", he added, and then his voice trailed away. In an instant, the illusion disappeared. I remembered the fateful morning of August 24, 2023, when Arthur had died. It was in a place in the Altai mountains, Siberia, where Arthur had taken my sister Kate for their long put off honeymoon. I had seen the place in all it's serene beauty in their backdrop when Kate had video-called me minutes before the call faltered after a tremendous sound. The next thing I heard about them was that Arthur was dead and that Kate was concussed and lying in a hospital. It was only a few days after the UATA, the Universal Advanced Technology Agency had rejected the papers of Arthur's new discovery of the immortal cell, isolated from a baby's umbilical cord and imbued with magic. The honeymoon itself was Kate's attempt to help her husband escape the frustration he felt after the repeated rejections of his industrious talent's success.

In the present, Kate still lay in a hospital in Russia, bedridden, still recovering from the coma. She was diagnosed with post-coma psychosis and the news channels kept showing repetitive stories about how her husband, Arthur, a brilliant scientist, had died in a mountain-climbing accident during their honeymoon, and how Kate had hurt her head, going into a coma. I had never been comfortable with the surprising attention the media appeared to give my poor sister Kate.The UATA had even offered money for her treatment.
"They hit me, they....." Kate kept saying lying on her hospital bed, while the nurses gave her medicines, assuring me that she was just going through a psychotic phase.

I decided that the place where Arthur died would give me the best answers. Honoring the suspicions in my mind, I also took Kate out of the hospital against medical advice, after facing some resistance from the authorities. I assured them that I was resigned to the fate of my poor sister.

On August 24th, 2024, the exact date of Kate's honeymoon the previous year, Gerald and I arrived with Kate on a wheelchair in front of the Denisova caves in the Altai Mountains. It was difficult, but with some help from Gerald, I had managed to bring Kate to this high-altitude place somehow. She always had mobile medical equipment and machinery attached to her. We hoped that visiting this place would bring back Kate's memories and she would be able to shed some light on the incident, and that would perhaps even help cure her. An unknown feeling of dread was a constant companion to me as Gerald and I took Kate into the caves between us. We waited and hoped but Kate remained silent about the day of the honeymoon.

A week passed, and we gave up. I allowed Kate to rest at the lodging we were staying in, and spent my days worrying and brainstorming. Surprisingly, Gerald kept wandering away to the caves on his own. I kept reminiscing how Arthur had tried to say something about the caves and how his features had twisted as if begging for time while he was being dragged back to his own realm, the realm of the dead. One evening, Gerald asked me to follow him because he had found something. I followed him to the caves and he asked me to wait. As the number of tourists thinned, we stayed on in the dwindling light. Gerald took me to a very dark corner of the cave. "This is the place", he spoke in that premonitory voice of his. "Are you relying only on intuition?", I asked, desperation and rationality in conflict inside my mind. "Sixth sense", Gerald replied. It almost felt like Arthur was communicating to me through him from somewhere in the fourth dimension, as we edged forward and stumbled upon a secret chamber. "It's here", Gerald said, " C'mon".
I decided to trust Gerald. Pressing a little discolored spot on the rock made it move aside. We discovered a lab full of papers and strange instruments. On the wall, in red letters, was the secret of Arthur's discovery. Just beneath it, was an inscription, "The beginning is the end.".

"This is it", Gerald said, "We can use this to stop the monsters". "Monsters?", I asked. " There's no time to explain", Gerald said. We also found a diary, and on the page dated August 17, the day Arthur's discovery had been rejected by the UATA ,was an entry. "They did not return my sample cell", the entry read. "I am afraid they will use the immortality for nefarious purposes, maybe to create a monster. I did not let them in on the rest of my secret. I suspected they would do this and I made sure that they don't know how to create more immortal cells. They have only one, my sample cell, to create a monster from. An immortal monster. However, the beginning is also the end." It made sense to me. So that means that Arthur also knew how to destroy an immortal being born of his newly discovered immortal cell. "Yes", Gerald replied, as if reading my mind, "And now I know, too. Arthur tried to stop the UATA from creating an immortal monster from his sample cell, and that's why they had to kill him and shut your sister up. They've searched these caves and found nothing and I am pretty sure that we are being monitored, which means that they will be here anytime, and Kate is in danger. Get her here as fast as you can, and stay here. This is the only safe place", was all Gerald told me, all in one breath. The next thing I witnessed was Gerald somehow operating all the strange instruments that belonged to Arthur, while I dragged Kate to the secret chamber. I was puzzled like a child exposed to something very complicated. But the urgency on Gerald's face and my trust in him stopped me from asking him further questions. I wondered if I was dreaming.

The best I could do was to stay quiet and keep Kate quiet in the secret chamber and watch Gerald at work. Gerald forbade us to go out. In the midst of everything, I couldn't help but marvel at Arthur for choosing his honeymoon spot to hide his discovery. After all, who would suspect someone of hiding secrets during their honeymoon? But it also appeared that there had to be some reason for them to kill Arthur while he was on his honeymoon. Theories formed in my head and I assumed that the UATA wanted us to find Arthur's secret lab, because they couldn't on their own. Gerald worked on Arthur's secret for about 2 hours, but it appeared that he was too late. Loud explosions could be heard outside. "They've been faster", Arthur mouthed, "The immortal monster has been released. And of course they will attack us first, but we will have to destroy the secret."

"Save the secret, you mean", I tried to say but trailed off, distracted by the next set of events. I could hear huge booms and an earthquake shook the cave. The instruments in the secret chamber were a sight to watch, some blowing up, some emitting sparks, and some simply shaking.

Suddenly, a large part of the wall blasted outwards and fell off. I ducked with Kate, screaming "Gerald". At the same time, Gerald uttered a loud cry like a maniac, "I did it. I made the gun". Gerald held a water gun filled with a slimy green liquid in his hand. The next thing I saw was a claw and then something that looked like a cyborg version of a giant lizard peeped into the cave. Gerald shielded me and Kate asking us to retreat. I wondered why he wouldn't just shoot. I made myself smaller and smaller and moved backwards, pulling Kate along with me. The creature dragged it's giant body through Arthur's secret lab destroying everything. "Fools", Gerald screamed, "The secret's gone now". The creature shot fire out of it's ears and nostrils burning up all of Arthur's lab along with his secrets. All Gerald did was asking me to keep retreating with Kate as far as I could and hide if possible, while he kept taking backward steps with the gun in his hand. He was still shielding us with his body and holding the gun. I shoved Kate to the side and moved away following Gerald's advice. The creature finally lifted it's claws and lunged at Gerald. Gerald jumped off
the cliff in response and I screamed. However, the monster followed suit after Gerald and attempted to jump off the cliff and land on Gerald, and in the process exposed its navel. Gerald shot his liquid from the gun right into the monster's navel, killing it, and the next thing I knew was that Gerald was dead, crushed under the weight of the monster's body and the monster was dead, too. The UATA were the next on the scene, their disappointed faces contemplating the destroyed secrets in the chamber, their anger and disbelief at the destruction of their monster evident on their faces. "Take them", one of them said, pointing at me and Kate. I shielded Kate with my body but turned around in utter shock when Kate jumped off the cliff to her death. The UATA officials rushed at me, their only hope of knowing the last shred of information about Arthur or his secrets. All I did was give them a jubilant smile followed by a maniacal laughter and jumped right off the cliff after my sister.
"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." - Albus Dumbledore.
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Re: Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal

Postby River Fenwick » Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:40 pm

Standing here, in full view under these lights,
I can feel all eyes on me, pressure to perform flawlessly.
I take a moment to collect myself, beginning to fright,
But I put on a bright smile, acting my part nauseously.

I focus on my fellow onstage performers,
Not sparing anyone else even a tiny glance.
As I begin settling into my role, my body begins feeling warmer.
I am much more confident now as the play advances.

Sooner than I expected, my part came to a close.
I exit left, joining the rest of the cast off the stage.
Though it was just a rehearsal, everyone was engrossed.
I watch those still performing, our skills to be gauged.

Thankfully, only praise to us is spoken,
We promise to keep up with this when we finally open.
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Re: Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal

Postby Artemisia Thorne » Fri Jan 19, 2024 11:23 pm

In the twilight of ancient lands,
Where mystic whispers weave their strands,
A tale unfolds of magic's might,
In shadows cast by the pale moonlight.

Enchanted Elysium, where dreams take flight,
A dance of spells in the mystical night,
Ancient powers awaken, secrets unfold,
In the heart of magic, a story is told.

Beneath the stars, a wizard's cloak,
Conjuring wonders with every stroke,
The spellbound audience, eyes wide and bright,
As illusions dance in the soft candlelight.

Enchanted Elysium, where dreams take flight,
A dance of spells in the mystical night,
Ancient powers awaken, secrets unfold,
In the heart of magic, a story is told.

The oracle chants, the spirits respond,
A symphony of magic, a bond beyond,
Through ancient scrolls and mystic rhymes,
We'll journey together through enchanted times.

In the hidden groves, fairies sing,
Their laughter echoes as the branches swing,
An elixir of wonder in a crystal vial,
In Enchanted Elysium, where spells beguile.

Enchanted Elysium, where dreams take flight,
A dance of spells in the mystical night,
Ancient powers awaken, secrets unfold,
In the heart of magic, a story is told.

As the curtain descends on this enchanted stage,
The echoes linger, weaving dreams on the page,
Within the tapestry where legends entwine,
Enchanted Elysium, a tale so divine.
"It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities."
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Re: Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal

Postby Dibyarup James Potter » Mon Jan 22, 2024 9:52 am

By Dibyarup James Potter

In the spotlight's embrace, a new story will take flight,
Where painted boards ignite with strings of light.
Costumes drape, and the actors in disguise,
As whispered lines on painted lips arise.

The creak of floorboards, and whispers in the wings,
A series of secrets, which the curtain sings.
The prompter's whisper, a watchful shade,
Ensures each word its destined path has made.

A thousand hearts captivated by the crafted lies,
Where the tears are real, though the laughter is dry.
The hero's triumph, and the villain's bitter fall,
In a symphony of echoes, touches the souls of all.

So raise the curtain, let the story come alive,
And in the lore, glimpse the truth of our lives.
For in this borrowed world, where characters play,
Our heart finds solace, every single day.
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Re: Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal

Postby Evony Senoj » Tue Jan 23, 2024 9:55 pm

Scene: A hillside near Hogwarts on a Full Moon night. Three students (ERIN, ASHLEE, and MARK) are walking with their wands and empty jars.

ASHLEE: (nervously) Isn't this kind of dangerous?

ERIN: (laughing) No, Mooncalves are harmless. They're rated XX by the Ministry of Magic.

ASHLEE: I meant being out here in the middle of the night on a Full Moon... I mean, there could be werewolves! (moves closer to ERIN and MARK, looking behind her)

MARK: We're right outside Hogwarts. I'm sure all werewolves in the area have taken the Wolfsbane Potion to retain their human mind during their transformation.

As the group reaches the top of the next hill, all gasp in delight.

ASHLEE: (exclaiming) They're beautiful!

ERIN nods.
In the pasture, there are dozens of Mooncalves frolicking and dancing in synchronized patterns. The bright light of the Full Moon makes it possible to see the Mooncalves' big eyes, long necks, and seemingly happy faces.

ERIN: (whispering) Come on, I don't know how long we have. The burrow is over there. (points to the hillside)

MARK: (whispering) Okay, let's go. (follows ERIN)

ASHLEE: (whispering) Wait for me! (follows ERIN and MARK)

Scene: The entrance of the Mooncalf burrow. The three students enter with their wands and jars. Upon entering the burrow, they all cover their faces with their hands.

MARK: (groaning) Oh, no! That's putrid! (waves his hand in front of him)

ERIN: (rolling her eyes) What did you expect? Their dung is only cleaned out once a month when they leave the burrow on the Full Moon! (grabs a jar out of her robes) Let's just get what we need and go. (fills her jar with Mooncalf dung and seals it shut)

ASHLEE: (holding her nose) Fine, fine. (grabs a jar out of her robes and fills it with Mooncalf dung and seals it shut)

MARK: (holding his nose) Here goes. (grabs a jar out of his robes and fills it with Mooncalf dung and seals it shut)

The group quickly exits the burrow with full jars.

Scene: The Dogweed and Deathcap shop in Hogsmeade. The three students knock on the door with their jars in hand. The SHOPKEEPER opens the door.

ERIN: As per your request, three jars of Mooncalf dung.

SHOPKEEPER: (taking the jars) Ah, yes! Wonderful! Magnificent fertilizer, Mooncalf dung is! I have to get these to the plants before the sun rises. (hands them each a small parcel of gold) Here you go, payment for your completed task. Thank you, thank you. (closes the shop door)

ERIN: Well gang, another task done, and that much closer to saving up enough gold to buy that dragon egg!

The group walks (tiredly) back to the castle, laughing and murmuring about their Mooncalf adventure.

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Re: Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal

Postby Katherine Laurier » Sun Jan 28, 2024 1:45 pm

The curtains gleam,
Just as the audience's eyes glow
With anticipation for the captivating scene
In the theater, excitement flows

Magic is made
By minds so great
And appreciated
By smiles so amazed

Behind the scenes,
Friends are formed from a team
Of like-minded folks
Working together, executing every word they wrote

A mosaic of experiences
Entrusted to an audience
The actors flawless in the spotlight's grace
Leaving on the people's minds a remarkable trace

Entering a new world never seen before
Leaving you wanting more,
For the stunning creativity
Is a convivial festivity

The audience looks up in awe,
The team proud as their ineffable production succeeds
As they take their final bow
Smiles on everyone's faces guaranteed
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Re: Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal

Postby Adeline Morior » Tue Jan 30, 2024 8:19 am

Scene: Two students at the lake side arguing at dawn.

Kyle: (Sternly) “What have you done? This isn’t some play we are in. You cannot just go up to the lake and expect a mermaid to come to you and what? Fall in love with you?”

Peter: (Confused) “Why not? It’s a love potion, it should work.”

Kyle: (Exasperated) “Not if you just chuck it into the water! They actually have to drink it, you imbecile!”

Peter: (Even more confused) “Are you sure? I mean they breathe in water and I added the content of the vial to the water so they technically would be drinking it?”

Kyle puts his hand over his face completely defeated.

Kyle: “No, you diluted the content in an entire lake worth, body of water.” He murmurs.

Kyle breathes to try and calm himself.

Peter still just stands there looking confused

Kyle: “Okay. Let’s say this actually would have worked. You forget there are other creatures in this lake. Do you want a grindylow girlfriend too? How about some giant squid love?”

Peter scrunches up his face in disgust but says nothing.

Kyle: “Lets just head back to the castle…”

Scene: The pair walk back to the castle before night falls.

Scene: As the two disappear into the distance, the heads of two merpeople poke out from the water in the distance.

Merperson one: (Disappointed) “Oh they are leaving, I really felt like going up and snogging one of them.”

Merperson two: (In agreement) “Mmm yes."

Merpeople disappear into the waters of the lake.

Scene End.

"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean it is not real?" - Albus Dumbledore
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Re: Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal

Postby Janne Halla » Tue Jan 30, 2024 6:45 pm

In the realm of winter's hush, a tale unfolds,
Where frosty breaths in silver tales are told.
A waltz of snowflakes pirouettes in the night,
Painting a canvas in soft, glimmering white.

The wind, a maestro, conducts the cold symphony,
Whistling through branches, a whispered melody.
The stage is set with icicles that gleam,
Nature's theater, a crystalline dream.

Enter the actors, creatures of the frost,
Dancing through shadows, their secrets embossed.
The snow-laden boughs, a curtain of lace,
As winter unveils its enchanting grace.

Footprints etch stories on the snow-lit stage,
A narrative written with each winter's page.
The moon, a spotlight in the frost-kissed night,
Illuminating scenes of soft, silvery light.

Now, the drama crescendos, as stars align,
A celestial ballet, frozen and divine.
The Winter Queen reigns with elegance and might,
Her breath was a chill, her touch, pure and white.

As the curtain falls on this wintry affair,
Nature's theater echoes a silent prayer.
A poetic ballet, in stillness it's heard,
The symphony of winter, an enchanting word.
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Re: Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal

Postby Viviana Kingston » Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:09 am

“What are you doing?” Felix hissed. “You’re going to get us caught!”

“I can’t help it!” Yumi furiously whispered back. Only, it wasn’t a furious whisper. It came out rather like a snippet from a song, as if Yumi was singing the words rather than saying them, and quite loudly at that too. Yumi slapped her hands over her mouth as quickly as she could, the both of them suddenly disappearing as the “night patrol” below them began to realise that something suspicious was happening.

“Did you hear that, Frank?” Jake asked, standing directly below them. It was risky, very risky considering the spells they casted could easily wear off. Yumi had cast a spell that let them stick to everything and anything, which is how they ended up on the roof in the Roost anyways, but Felix had tried to mimic an invisibility spell. That wouldn’t last very long.

“I did,” Frank replied. “But I also know that not everyone is asleep yet. Cut them some slack. I seriously doubt anyone is going to try to steal house flag, especially when it’s their own.”

“I’m more worried about intruders.” Jake said, rubbing his eyes. He clearly didn’t have the patience to just wait for something to happen and would be sorely disappointed if anything didn’t happen. Guarding the flag before the actual capture the flag event happened was prestigious. Everyone wanted to be them so they had to live up to the hype.

“Chill, we have safeguards in place.” Frank said, beckoning for Jake to follow him up the stairs. “Let’s do the rounds quickly.”

“This better not mean I have to miss any action.” Jake’s voice was fainter and their steps grew softer. Just in time, because Yumi and Felix came crashing down, and had just enough time to blend into the furniture before the footsteps grow louder again.
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Re: Rehearsals - Task 10 - I Love Play Rehearsal

Postby Scarlet Robloutain » Wed Jan 31, 2024 11:35 pm

I, a writer in search of inspiration.
The blank page taunts me, dares me like a challenge.
I stare blankly back. A stalemate.
Creativity flows freely, yet I am unmoved.
My imagination remains unfed, my mind a fortress.
The words are trapped, blocked in.
I, lost in a fog of ideas left unspoken.
An empty bottle awaiting the nectar of creation.
I, drowning in a hopeless sea of blankness.
There is only me, the fog and my writer's block.

I feel the writer's struggle through and through.
The desperation and sadness in the words,
the struggle against the blank page,
trying to fill it with meaningful thoughts...but to no avail.
The writer, drowning in desperation
and uncertainty in their own abilities and skills.
A battle that many writers have faced and fought,
and one that I have personally dealt with before.
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