by Galena May » Sun Aug 18, 2024 9:58 am
Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray!
The chasers on their brooms are flexible like a sting ray.
From the stands, I cheer like a blue jay,
My team will win the match, Hip Hip Hurray!
The Seeker is sharp like a hawk,
The Beaters bludgeon like a fighter,
I can see them go, hair flying like mohawk,
We will win this together.
Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray!
Banners are no longer red, blue, green, or gray,
Camp Hogwarts banners everywhere, looking bright and gay,
My team will win, I say, Hip Hip Hurray!
Look at them go, look at them circle the hoop.
The Quaffle goes straight into the middle like a bird,
Well done! team, keep the Quaffle in the loop.
I will cheer till I cry, I will cheer till I am tired.
Thank you so much, my secret elf, for my ava + sig!
Beauty is everywhere, if only you will choose to see it!
Galena May for you, a first year witch student at Hogwarts. Say hi if you see me.