Following the directions you've been given, your group heads through the corridors in the dungeons to the Potions classroom. You knock on the door of the room you've been directed to... but there's no answer. After a few moments, you decide to head in anyway and slowly push the door open.
Inside, you find the room a complete and utter mess! Ingredients are scattered around the stations, some completely unlabelled, and all manner of equipment has been left out around the space. It is far too much mess to have been made authentically by a working class, so you reach the conclusion that in order to find your badge for the room, you'll have to work together to tidy it up first.
Solve this jigsaw puzzle to tidy up the room -
Take a screenshot of your completed puzzle and upload it to an image hosting site. Make sure your time and the number of pieces are visible in the image.
Alternatively, in at least 100 words, write a short story or description about your group cleaning up the mess. Did you find anything else of note in the room? Did it take more or less time than you anticipated? Remember, no magic allowed!