by Finn Cullen » Wed May 14, 2008 10:42 pm
*mounts podium with assumed nervousness, a handful of rustling notes in his hands*
"Good day to you all.
Fellow pupils, ladies and gentlemen, It's with a sense of great pride and no little bafflement that I stand before you today. I can honestly say that no one was more surprised than I to hear of this award being made. In fact I was slightly more surprised than my friend Evan was during that particular Care of Magical Creatures lesson when the diagrams were passed round and he realised that he probably *was* a gnome all along.
But I'd like to take the opportunity to thank you. Yes, to thank you. It hasn't always been easy since I was sorted into Ravenclaw. I know we've occasionally had our differences. Yes, I sometimes grew a little short tempered on the subject of muffins (dreadful things, especially the ones our House Elf makes, which I assume include as ingredients any remains of trespassers from the grounds of Cullen Hall) and kittens. You must admit though, the preponderance of kittens in the Roost has been fairly oppressive of late. Particularly after that nasty epidemic of feline dysentery that turned the Common Room into the world's best decorated litter tray for a while. Um.. by decorated I mean the wallpaper and stuff, not the.. you know.. afterwards stuff. Any suggestion that the epidemic was actually the result of zuurbulb poisoning is completely scandalous, and anyway where would I get so many zuurbulbs?
But it's heartening to know that my contributions haven't gone unnoticed. I may spend most of my time lurking in the roleplaying forums, but I do enjoy it there and no one has seen fit to chase me out with angry pitchfork wielding mobs recently, so that's a bonus over my last residence. Do feel free to pop in from time to time to say hello, and as long as you're not too morose about your kitten Fluffynadgers we'll get on fine.
In closing I just want to say two things
Firstly, no I am no relation to Edward 'Glittery Leech' Cullen, and I'd never heard of him or his foul ilk till I joined HOL, and if he ever turned up at Cullen Hall it would result in a one way trip to the industrial strength "Sunbed and Stake" parlour that father has had installed, and
Secondly, for all your zuurbulb needs you can't do better than visit Grostuff and Plantem's magical herbarium. They have branches everywhere, and no one needs leaf disappointed.
Thank you."
Hello everyone my name is Finn Cullen and I'm a Ravenclaw!