
Alecia Amethysta

Instructions: Read the questions below the puzzle. Locate the answers in the puzzle grid.


1. What broom was created by Gladys Boothby in 1901?

2. The Oakshaft 79 is highly prized as what type of broom?

3. How many brothers founded the Cleansweep Broom Company in 1926?

4. The founders of the Comet Trading Company both played Quidditch for what league team?

5. What broom is the true forerunner of the racing broom?

6. What model broom was launched by the Black Forest Company in 1940?

7. What Black Forest Company broom has never been used by profession Quidditch teams?

8. What company produces the Twigger 90?

9. In 1955, Universal Brooms Ltd. introduced what broom?

10. The Nimbus 1000 was capable of reaching speeds of up to a __________ miles per hour.


1. Moontrimmer

2. vintage

3. three

4. Falmouth Falcons

5. Silver Arrow

6. Tinderblast

7. Swiftstick

8. Flyte and Barker

9. Shooting Star

10. hundred

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