
Choosing Your Pet: An Owl, A Cat, Or A Toad?!
Sayara Samuels

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted into Hogwarts! This is the beginning of a wonderful journey for First Years; this is when they venture to Diagon Alley (many for the first time) and purchase their books, robes, wands, potion supplies and other school necessities. But then they see that last little sentence on their letters: "Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad"--what? An owl, cat or toad? First of all, which one is best, and second of all, what if you don’t want any of them? What do you do?

Owl, Cat or Toad: Advantages and Disadvantages

So as you’re wandering through the Magical Menagerie, you wonder just which pet is right for you. Well, let’s start with the owl. An owl is a beautiful creature of the night that comes in many shapes, sizes and colors. I personally own a tawny owl named Galahad, and I’ve discovered that owls are very capable of affection, loyal and easily trained (provided you have treats!). The main advantage to having an owl is that he or she will be your only contact with the outside world. In the wizarding world, owls carry mail, making them an ideal choice if you have family at home that you’ll want to keep in contact with over the school year. Owls are beautiful and mysterious, and they are said to have strange magical properties that remain as-yet undiscovered. However, owls do cause a bit of a mess, including the feathers they shed when they molt and the "presents" (field mice and small birds) they’ll leave for you on your pillow. Owls are nocturnal, so unless you let them out they may very well keep you up at night. Another problem with owls is that many people will sell them to you. You must make sure you get yours at a respectable breeder or else you may find that your owl is a common muggle bird and is incapable of delivering mail.

Cats are a popular choice among witches and wizards because they are affectionate, loyal and majestic. Cats are sleek and powerful creatures that will be your best friends if you let them. A good cat will follow you everywhere, unless it prefers to go stalk mice, of course. Mrs. Norris, the pet cat of Argus Filch, loves him to death, even to the point of helping him do his job by catching students doing things they shouldn’t be doing. Cats are good for the fashion-conscious witch or wizard in that they are beautiful and popular among students, and a lovely cat walking about by your side is very good for your social standing. However, cats do shed, causing allergic reactions in housemates or even yourself. Cats are independant creatures, so it may be that when you want to lie down and scratch your kitten behind the ears, it'll be off after mice. Like owls, cats also like to leave presents in unpleasant places, and I’d suggest keeping a litter box by your bed.

Toads were popular for a long while, but have since gone out of fashion. I know I’m supposed to give advantages and disadvantages of pets, but really, what’s a toad good for? They’re low-maintenance and will eat any type of bug you give them, and they can be carried around in your bag without too much of a problem. That said, toads have a tendency toward escaping and are difficult to find and catch again. Also, toads aren’t friendly or loving, so if that’s what you’re looking for, get a kitten or something. Toads are, as I said, a bit of a thing of the past, so bringing a toad to school may not be very good for your reputation.

I Hate Birds, am Allergic to Cats, and Toads are Gross. What Now?

If you don’t quite fancy owls, cats or toads, there are other options. Although your letter says to pick one, many students bring other pets without too much of a problem. Before you do, though, I’d run it by your Head of House, just in case. Dogs are popular among students these days. They’re loyal, lovable, and will protect you from enemies or people you just don’t want around. However, there are many rules concerning bringing dogs to school. They have to be house-trained, they must stay with you at all times and are not allowed the run of the school. They are not allowed in class unless they can be quiet and are on a leash. In some classes such as potions, dogs are not permitted in at all in case they knock over a dangerous chemical. Other popular pets are snakes, which are actually loving, low-maintenance pets popular among Slytherins in particular, birds such as falcons and hawks (and the occasional parrot or cockatoo), bats, and rodents such as rats, mice, rabbits, and ferrets. If you do bring a rodent, I suggest you keep it away from any cats in the area as Hogwarts cats tend to get bored and look for things to entertain them.

Choosing your companion is an important decision because no matter what happens, they will be your best friend at Hogwarts. A pet will always stand by you and love you, no matter what you do or what others think of you. Choose your pet based on your wants and needs and mostly, what’s in your heart. Good luck, First Years!