
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Morag McQueen

She's done it again. J.K. Rowling has created yet another masterpiece. All 607 pages of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows are pure adrenaline. It's action from start to finish. Definitely a book to read from cover to cover in one night.

This important seventh, and last, book of the Harry Potter series is full of happy, sad and very important details and tasks. It takes many twists and turns as it makes its way to the end of this piece of history. Not only weddings, births and victories are joking matters in this book, as Fred and George, true to nature, joke even through the most horrid events and drop sarcasm left, right and centre. Though there may be slightly too many deaths at once for my liking, it makes for an extremely enjoyable ride with all our favourite characters, as they get ready for the ultimate battle.

Many previously half-revealed truths about certain details, as well as many completely new bits of information, along with J.K. Rowling's unmistakable style of writing, make this book an absolute must-read. She makes every story fun to read, whether the subjects at hand are fun or not. She also manages to give everything, from raddish earrings to acute bodily harm and death, a sarcastic mark, which enables you, as a reader, to gloss over certain facts. It also makes you realize that it isn't quite as happy-go-lucky in some situations as J.K. is making her characters pretend it is. I'm quite sure that this is a part of what makes this particular series so appealing to so many people of all ages, all over the world.