
The Moon's 'Madness'
Tarma Black (Hufflepuff)

Muggles have a history of treating the time of the full moon with finger-pointing and derision. This is the time of madness, they say. Watch out for the full moon! It causes you to become insane!

People of magic, however, know that the time of the full moon is a time of great power. Witches (and warlocks) use this time to get in touch with their 'inner witch,' the primordial source of magic within all of us, before it has reached an intellectually conscious level.

What's this, you ask? Isn't the intellect the source of magic? Quite flatly, the answer is 'no.' We can, however, train our intellect to allow the magic to flow more smoothly through us. Just as any athlete knows, there is a place where intellect cannot be in control if we desire a peak performance. The same goes for magic and magical ability.

We can enhance our innate abilities by training ourselves to be conduits for the magic which flows through our veins--but just like we do not regulate our breathing and heartbeat (natural functions that we fortunately don't have to attend to, we have a constant supply of magic available to us to use. Often, however, the flow gets 'plugged up' and so it seems we have less magic available.

During the time of the full moon, therefore, most astute witches will take time to sit quietly with a cup of tea, and look inward with their mind (not to be confused with intellect) to see where the flows of magic are blocked up. Becoming aware of the blockages is actually a primary reason for them to become unblocked--attention or focus places magical energy right in the place it is required.

Unfortunately, one must be very careful to not allow whatever caused the blockage to be reinforced! That same energy and focus, which could remove the blockages to magical energy, might also reinforce the blockages! The witch needs to be very calm, and look at things as if from a 'third party' perspective! (The wise warlock, or other witches of the family, might be well advised to tiptoe carefully around any witch who is doing this internal house-cleaning. Accidental instances of lightning and clouds of wart-cap powder are just two of the minor side-effects of a witch who encounters something 'inside' and gets upset all over again). After locating the blockages, the witch can decide that having a blockage is not worth hanging onto the cause of the blockage--and thus she can choose again to rid herself of the cause of the blockage. While it is the ideal to only do this once, sometimes it needs to be done again and again until it is, at last, completely removed.

Now, why would a Muggle say that the full moon is a time of madness? It is simple--some or all of the causes of these blockages are triggered during the time of the full moon--and unlike a witch (or wizard) they are unaware of what is going on and they simply have all of this stuff triggered in them and are unaware that they can do anything about it!

I'm so glad I'm not a Muggle...